this post is meant to reply jean's tag because she asked how's life..... and i guess it would be a long one. well life's been pretty good, with some up's and down's. what are the down's? home teacher seems to be "sabo-ing" me in class by calling upon me to answer questions she didn't exactly teach to my standards(not that my standard is very high). i won't emphasise on any more down's....because i don't really want to try and remember them. there are too many up's for me to remember so i'll skip it. generally, my life has more up's than down's.
well my reply's over. it's shorter than i expected.
going to play my game now......bye...
****notice that i type proper english? im trying to stop using cyber-english now.....except in tags and feelings of course otherwise i'll feel like a total dork hahas
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Monday, March 26, 2007
well......its reli boring nowadays.........but ill tok bout the co concert......
it was on a sunday....i reached tecc at 11.45.....had to have training for being an usher.....sally, wan qi, fiona, felicia and pamela oso were ushers....i was the onli guy leh so sad......but at least got cca points....XD
ok saw miss ho lee chew miss soh freddy and ning zheng at macdonalds eating....ning zheng say he like to see ppl wear school uni when he wear home clothes then i go change hahas.
ok then i met carlo he was the "instructor" then dunno some briefing then i had to go bak get dark long pants but i asked my father bring it to me instead(convienient, huh?) then i go 7-eleven buy mints to prevent bad breath (my breath will always be fresh.....jk hahas) then before i ate one other ppl took then tricia took it away and i followed her around till she gives it bak to me and ppl think we like each other....(always liddat one) then when she gimme bak the sweet was half filled.....then the concert start i ushered the ppl which was quite difficult....
and i saw valerie and cassandra sitting at the right section of the audience....then the show start and it was quite good. after that my father fetched lambert bak.... and me oso la of course...then go home eat and watch tv......ok the end hahas.....i end off with some pics i found on the internet....
ok this pic most girls will be able to see but most boys will onli see blobs of black
find deers there are more than one
this is same as the deers thing
this is super funny
By The One And Onli
juPENG aka DARren
8:24:00 PM
Saturday, March 24, 2007
hi.....nv blog.....nth to days are all boring.....EXCEPT the fact that i becema a TUTEE!!!!yea tutee onli nid to listen to the tutor.....and im in did i become one???
the answer is....(drumroll haha) my term 1 slack. yes its my term 1 slack as u can see my term 1 wasnt that gd u read my first post it'll tell u why. okay thats the onli good news....
ill end off my my soon to be favourite game
By The One And Onli
juPENG aka DARren
5:57:00 PM
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
okaes as u can see i changed my skin....almost destroyed my whole blog......kaes no more experimenting until i find a way to change html to xml format.....this is all i haf to blog cuz today is a boring day....
By The One And Onli
juPENG aka DARren
8:29:00 PM
Sunday, March 18, 2007
hahas my blog almost dead.......
okay 4days nv blog liao 2 days after camp lazy to blog
okay ill tok bout my camp first
on the first day i reached school at 6.45 jasmine and gary were there liao
7.00 more ppl there and by 7.30 all the leaders were there liao....
we were briefed again on that day's activities, alot i wasnt clear but managed bah.
btw tricia and nicholas were in syf and had to go tecc that day so i was alone wif my groupT_T
sadly my group was all girls and very quiet ones....i prompted them again and again and again and they answered my questions with 1 sentence ans-_-....that was during the ice breakers....
after that was a game named fast and furious the group members had to find an object in one of the classrooms that the leaders had was quite fun watching the ppl racing wif each other and the last one made the whole group do forfeits.......onli 2 groups did a different thing and the rest did chicken backsides.
next was lunch....ate noodles......very horrible....some ppl also thought the same thing.
afetr that was seek and find....groups muz go around the skool do some games before proceeding to the next station.....i skipped 2 stations cuz 1 is i forgot that haf that one and the other was at the hall which was group arh....all didnt haf fun except at 3 stations....they quickly do finish their objective and next station....then got ball games....i played bball wif some ppl.then nid go bathe but leaders had to stay and haf briefing for nightwalk that wasnt prepared much and we had to do it while the other ppl go bathe...the groups didnt bathe but changed (so smart)
den got dinner which is the same as last year.....chicken rice...not bad la but i didnt get the drumstick one....i almost ate 2 packets...then got nightwalk briefing the leaders go prepare for it....then it was a total disaster i dun wanna explain much.....den after everything leaders go clean up at least 1 hour bah den go bathe den leaders overall performance briefing until 1am den alot of the leaders nv sleep at all i slept at 3 am.....
woke up 6 am didnt feel sleepy still when i woke up.....
i didnt change or wadeva cuz no time liao......BUT i brushed my teeth and washed my face OF COURSE(wad were u thinking???)
den got briefing and pt for the groups.....luckily leaders dun nid do....muz run up 4 storeys and down again den muz do 30 push up i think and some suay....i pity them
den breakfast i drank two milo full cup o.o
after that got captain ball competetion
guan yue vs percussion
erhu vs teachers
ruan vs cello/bass(i think)
guan yue won percussion (yea!)
cello/bass won ruan
erhu won teachers(obviously, no offence, chers)
sec 1s competetion i didnt see too engrossed in my lollipop and gy vs percussion
after that was amazing race briefing leaders had separate briefing
lunch was fried rice den amazing race start liao....
im not gonna post it cuz very long nia.....
reach home at 7pm eat macdonald da pao(takeaway) then bathe watch tv and sleep at 12...
okay i go do my lit liao byess
p.s.... tricia i spell wrongly muz sae until liddat meh.....
By The One And Onli
juPENG aka DARren
3:00:00 PM
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
okaes this post will haf to last 2 days...cuz tml i going camp lo.......and i haf to reach skool at 7am cuz i leader and non-syf -_-so early......
okay even though i said i was gonna do lit.....i didnt hahas. and now im thiinking :Crap im in holiday mood.....when its onli 1 week not sure how im gonna finish it now.....but i will persevere....
hope camp is gonna be fun....otherwise ill kill myself wasting 2 precious days boring myself to death(BMTD) during camp when i could be BMTD on lit hmwk.....i juz finished packing everything except for raincoat which is TOO small(and i mean it) for me(i havent worn it since...erm....pri 4?)
okay nth to type le i go watch heroes on star world liaoz its a nice show.....
By The One And Onli
juPENG aka DARren
9:51:00 PM
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
hahas 3 days nv post liao cuz i said it before, MARCH HOLIDAES NTH TO BLOG, hahas okaes.
well cant wait for co camp a leader hahas.....became one ytd in the morning, while i was sleeping-_- heres hw it happened:
9.10am: james called o.O (i wuz like so early for wad?!?!?!?!)
on the phone: james:come school now camp briefing u chosen as leader
me: now?
me: okay.....(so sleepy-_-)
9.20:go bathe
9.30:sms james whther nid bring anything(he sae no.....)
10.00:reach skool
okaes from now no more timeline =D.
i reach skool dunno where to meet them..... sms james again......they at maths home room.........
At maths home room......
ching kiat ask me to sit next to tricia......
then everyone go wooo or wadeva (so childish-_-)
pei yun, james, freddy, ning zheng, tricia, michelle, keiko, sally, vivien and the rest of the camp leaders i dunno how to spell are there.
then tok bout the sec 1s ching kiat sae they very arrogant.....muz haf patience in dealing wif them.....if canot take it bring them to him(o.O wads he gonna do to them????)
then some funny stuff happened then we go out buy Q cards. (MUZ WALK AGAIN?!?! I SO TIRED)
then come bak muz cut into half the Q cards cuz ching kiat scared not enugh.
then i nid to go liao cuz got my class CIP thingy. then i reli very tired at that i didnt do anything xcept taking photo that mdm lim asked me to do......then go home sleep 3 hours......then
still very tired (i thought that im sick .......nooooooooooo i hope get well before camp)
then today not tired liao YAYS hahas.....i think is coz on sunday i "overplayed" bball......ok i gtg lo haven do lit yet tml then do......byes
and the reason i put this song in my blog is becoz....NOT THAT I WATCH THE SHOW......i think its nice....ill remove it when i get tired of it kaes hahas
By The One And Onli
juPENG aka DARren
3:51:00 PM
Saturday, March 10, 2007
ow my finger....juz now play bball it hit my finger str8 down now so swollen i still typing....
first day of march holidays and i haven do any home work hahaha lol i doing it on weekdays
today do nth but play com......and bball
nth else to type liao march holidaes nth much to type one i can assure u
By The One And Onli
juPENG aka DARren
9:51:00 PM
Friday, March 9, 2007
sch holi liaozz but very sianz. alot of holidae assignments. juz came bak from playing bball wif neighbour. i scored 3 3-POINTERS IN A ROW LIKE WTH???. aniways my holiday assignments dam sian got lit ca3 and maths wksht which is considered as 10% of ca3. haiz all ca3 ca3 ca3. then after school holidae got two tests in first week sianz. co camp on thursday 2D 1N.
haiz i go watch tv liaozz nth to do now byess
p.s. kai lynn and pam dun flood my tagboard-.-
By The One And Onli
juPENG aka DARren
3:11:00 PM
Thursday, March 8, 2007
First Post First Blog First Ca For The Year What Else?
ok aniways today first period for school wuz p.e got modified captain's ball, quite fun. then history luckily i brought my file hahas. after recess got chinese then i nv do abit of a wksheet then nid to act with a grp something in the textbook chapter. then watch ju-on for english dam scary then ace lesson get ca card. after that got c.o kai lynn ask me help her grp draw things then i anyhow draw LOL SO UGLY LOR HAHAS sorries. okiess i betta go liao tag my board ppl thx byees=D
By The One And Onli
juPENG aka DARren
9:39:00 PM